Important notice: Production shutdown in company Galma d.o.o. by the end of December 2023

Posted on 13.09.2023

Dear business partner.

In past few years, we were facing global changes on a large scale; from political and military changes to heath crisis, energetic crisis and so on. Besides all mentioned factors, serious tightening of environmental requirements and legislation is going on in European Union, consequences of which will result in prohibition of certain chemicals. Among others, there will take effect prohibition of use of chromic acid (CrO3), and not to forget the extreme rises of price of electricity, etc.

Considering all the above, the management of company Galma d.o.o. decided to close the production with the end of year 2023. We are aware of the fact that our shutdown affects your future business, but we are certain, that you will succeed to find appropriate and quality service in Slovenia or in some other country in our region.

At this occasion, we would like to thank you for your long-term business cooperation and trust and wish you a successful business path in the future.  

If you have any further questions regarding this notification, do not hesitate to call us on our contact numbers or to write us on our e-mail address.

Kindest regards,


                                                                                                                      Katarina Martinjak


                                                                                                                      Ana Martinjak Ratej

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